
Reporting Channel

Epimed’s confidential reporting channel was created with the purpose of receiving communications from employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders about conduct that violates the Code of Conduct and Ethics’ guidelines and/or violates the company’s general principles and values.

The channel’s service is provided by a third party company, which guarantees the complainant’s confidentiality and anonymity. Therefore, their identities and personal information will be kept confidential, in accordance with Anti-Corruption Law No. 12,846/2013 and Access Information Law No. 12,527/11.

Please note that this is an exclusive channel for complaints’ registration about conducts known or believed to be in violation of the company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics, as well as violations of any internal policies, guidelines, or applicable Law, that may be committed by any employee.

In order to file your report identifying yourself, send a message to, or, if you prefer not to identify yourself, access the confidential reporting channel to make your report anonymously, through the following address: or the QR Code below: